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This Saturday and Sunday, 6 and 7 October, Ilkley Arts Weekend is being hosted at 2 venues  - the new Ilkley Arts Studio, next door to the Manor House and Nell Bank Outdoor Centre on Denton Road, Ilkley.

There will be an outdoor sculpture trail at Nell Bank with over 30 sculptures to enjoy and a number of local and regional artists exhibiting and selling their work.   Workshops and demonstrations will be happening on both Saturday and Sunday which can be booked on the day plus delicious refreshments and lots of family activities.  See timetable below for the workshops that are planned.  There will be a small entrance charge of £2.50 to Nell Bank and you are ask to register via the website.

The pop up gallery at the Ilkley Arts studio with be showcasing a range of artists work for sale and to enjoy and will be open over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday as well.

Linking the 2 venues is an ant trail through the park and along the River Wharfe before crossing into Nell Bank.

For more information go to Ilkley Arts website, Arts Weekend leaflets are available from lots of shops, cafes and information centres in Ilkley.

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