Ilkley Clean River Group are planning an event to mark Water Quality Action Day and Earth Day on Saturday 23 April 2022.
The day will start with a Town Hall Meeting at Christchurch, with speakers from Ofwat (Chair Jonson Cox has confirmed), Environment Agency, possibly Defra and Yorkshire Water, and local politicians.
A spokesperson said: "We are going to discuss the progress (or lack of it) in cleaning up the Wharfe, to hold the agencies to account. In particular we are pressing for plans to reduce raw sewage discharges into the Wharfe.
"Please do come we need help securing action now we have Bathing status, There will be an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions.
"Activities will follow with a street party on The Grove from 12.30 with stalls, kids play area, live music, dancers and performers.
"We are appealing to the talented people in Ilkley. If you would like to perform please do get in touch. For music acts connect with us via Ilkley Live on Facebook. For any other acts (dancing, magic, comedy) please contact us at the Ilkley great Get Together ilkleygggt@gmail.com"
CHRISTCHURCH 11.00 Earth Day and Water Quality Exhibition
11.00 - 12.30 Town Hall Meeting - Register for the meeting here.
12.30 - 12.45 Declaration of the Rights of the River with Ilkley's Town Crier; Film of underneath the water in the River Wharfe; Launching the 3Ps campaign
13.00 - 14.00 Seminar1: Water Quality testing
14.00 - 14.30 Seminar 2: Bathing Status Applications
14.30 - 15.00 Presentation: Journey to Antartica
ON THE GROVE (which will be closed)
12.30 - 16.00 Street Party with stalls and lunch with kids play area, music and other performers on the bandstand and along the street.