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Gin Lounge relocation plans approved

A planning application to relocate the Gin Lounge, currently located on Brook Street in Ilkley, to a vacant and neglected building on Cowpasture Road has been approved.

As reported on Ilkley Chat last month, plans show a change of use to the ground floor retail unit, formally Peter Dyer, to a drinking establishment and conversion of upper floors to a hotel use, 6 guest rooms, and demolition of rear infill extension to create access.

There had been 2 objections to the plans, but 27 supportive comments.

Planning officers commented: "The use of the building as a bar at ground floor with hotel above would be a suitable use for a town centre location, noting the extant permission for an 8-bedroom hotel in this building. The proposal would bring people into the area who would in turn help to sustain the local economy and support other local shops and services.

"Further, it is clear that the building has not been well maintained for a number of years and is in need of investment to prevent it falling into further disrepair. This development would allow for this to happen which would be to the long term future benefit of the building and wider character of the area".

In the application, Joint proprietors, Lindsay and Rachel Fitton, told Bradford Council planners: "We have now outgrown our current premises and want to expand the number and size of rooms that we offer to meet the ongoing demand from both new and our loyal clients. Faced with increasing costs and to meet guest expectations we also need to locate all of our rooms within one building, together with The Gin Lounge, to ensure the future viability of our business.

"We have enhanced the period features in our current premises and plan to do the same at 4 Cowpasture which has laid vacant, neglected and in disrepair for a number of years. Its current condition is poor and substantial time and financial investment is needed to renovate and restore the building which we estimate to be in excess of £250,000."

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