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Ilkley & District u3a moving on from Zoom for Summer fun

u3a Railway Group presentation on 5 July

Moving on from online Zoom events, Ilkley & District u3a is inviting members to join in the Summer Programme fun this year for some socially distanced walks and talks.

There are over 20 events on offer in July and early August with talks on topics ranging from discovering the secrets of the Da Vinci code to Immunology for Beginners. Outdoor events include a walk to discover prehistoric rock art on Ilkley Moor and a walk along the waterfront in Leeds.

Alison McCloy from Ilkley & District u3a said: “Our first socially distanced presentation took place on Monday 5 July when a near capacity audience met in Clarke Foley for a talk by the u3a Railway Group.

“The leader of the Railway Group, Robin Leleux, used historical illustrations and readings from contemporary articles and speeches to show how the coming of the railways made a fundamental change to the social fabric of the country in the Victorian era. He described how the railways transformed everything from the way the newspapers and the post were distributed throughout the country, to the ability for city centre residents to be provided with fresh fish for the first time.

“The first meeting of the new season will be held at 2:15 pm on Tuesday 5 October at the Clarke Foley Centre and welcomes new members. The talk will be about the Thameslink line that has transformed rail travel through the centre of London but did you know many of its tunnels were excavated well over a century ago?”

Details of all the events and how to become a member (just £13.50 a year) can be found on the u3a website at, along with the Summer programme.

Alison added: “Alternatively, come along to a Drop-in on the 1st and 3rd Friday morning of the month at the Clarke Foley Centre where you can meet and chat with our friendly u3a representatives.”

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