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Local charity looks for new treasurer

Retiring Treasurer Peter Kierman

Ilkley and District Good Neighbours is looking for an Honorary Treasurer to oversee the charity’s financial administration.

The present Treasurer Peter Kierman will be retiring from the role early next year, but will continue as a Trustee supporting the charity during a six-month handover period. Peter has successfully handled the financial aspects of Ilkley Good Neighbours for the last five years.

He became a Trustee with the charity in 2009 after working as a manager with BT for almost 30 years. While at BT in Birmingham he met his wife Yvonne – who also worked for the company and recently retired as an Ilkley Good Neighbours Trustee – and both moved to Ilkley in 1991. Prior to his role as Treasurer Peter was responsible for organising the now well established Over 90’s Party.

“It was an enjoyable and often challenging job to organise this popular annual event” said Peter.

“While I sorted out the logistics of entertaining our large number of older guests Yvonne would deal with the catering. I always remember that the then Town Crier – who welcomed and announced some of our important guests attending the event – described the Party as the “highlight of the year!”

Peter’s financial and management experience contributed greatly over the years to the efficient running of the charity’s income and expenditure. When the charity received some welcome extra funding during the pandemic it meant that Peter was dealing with a budget double the normal amount.

“Being Treasurer has been enormously satisfying” said Peter. “I enjoy the interaction with all parts of Good Neighbours, working with my dedicated Trustee colleagues, and using my numerical skills to ensure the charity runs smoothly” said Peter.

The charity receives donations from a range of sources, including Bradford Council – currently its largest financial supporter – and various companies, organisations, and individuals who value Good Neighbours role in the community with projects such as Befriending, Shop Assist/Shop and Drop, and the popular social group Moving On, which meets weekly at the Clarke Foley Centre.

Past donors to the charity have included Tesco, the Co-op, the Lottery Fund, Round Tables, Masonic Lodges, and local companies such as WW Spooner as well as a number of personal individual financial gifts. At present it has adequate funding but will require further support to ensure its expanding charitable workload continues to help those in need in the community.

“We are extremely grateful to Peter for his unstinting dedication and support over the years,” said Chair Penny Coulthard. “I would like to put on record our immense thanks for his input. We’re now looking for a successor who can work alongside our great team and build on our achievements thus far.

“The Honorary Treasurer will report to our Management Committee and will have full admin support from our employees as well as myself and my fellow Trustees. In terms of time commitment, the role involves a Trustee meeting every six weeks, and around seven hours a week dealing with the charity’s financial matters.

“Ideally the person will have proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel, and should possess good administration skills. It’s a great way to utilise your skills to give something back to the community” added Penny.

It’s planned that the new Treasurer would shadow Peter for six months to give the individual plenty of time to get up to speed, and to be supported by a part time administrator who is a member of the charity’s staff.

If you’re interested in more detailed information about the role of Honorary Treasurer and also Ilkley and District Good Neighbours please contact Penny or Peter on:

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