A race night held in aid of Ukraine was a great success. The event was held on Sunday, 15 May, upstairs at the Flying Duck in Ilkley with guests enjoying an evening of racing as well as a pizza supper and cream scones.
The betting table was managed by co-owner and the brewer of Wharfedale Brewery, Jonathan Shepherd and Adrian Long.
The event raised £1278, which will be going to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal with £250 going to the Ilkley Ukraine Support group, The Ilkley and Surrounds Support for Ukrainian Evacuees (ISSUE), who are supporting Ukrainian families now living in Addingham, Burley in Wharfedale and Ilkley.
A spokesperson for ISSUE said: “We are welcoming, supporting and helping Ukrainian families and guests coming to our area, a total of approximately 24 Ukrainian nationals, primarily women, children, young people and elderly and vulnerable. Additionally, we have locally a further ten homes approved, awaiting families who have been allocated…so as far as can be anticipated, something approaching 50 guests in the immediate region.
“A small fund has been established in association with Community Action Ilkley to assist with for example sponsored day places to Dan’s Den helping very young Ukrainian toddlers and pre-school children to integrate. Helping with Transport needs as Ukrainian families have various appointments that are necessary, and some of these will need transport support, where this can’t be provided by host families. Subsidised Ilkley Community Transport places could provide a temporary solution for arriving families to keep required appointments. (Immigration, Job Centre, Language support etc…”
If you wish to support this fund please contact Peter Mate on councillormate@towncouncil.ilkley.org or David Shaw Chair of Ilkley Community Network on davidshawmbe@outlook.com
Organisers of the race night would like to thanks staff at the Flying Duck and race sponsors: U Dentistry, Ideal Extraction, Bini Brew, Ilkley Brewery, Wharfedale Brewery, Dale Eddison, Linley & Simpson, Ison Harrison Solicitors and Furniss Butchers.