At a packed King’s Hall on Tuesday night, Ilkley residents voted for a Parish Poll on the introduction of town-wide 20mph zones and speed humps.
The meeting was called by the Ilkley Road Safety Action Group and members of the public spoke for and against the plans.
At the meeting six questions were chosen for the polling card, covering residents’ views on a full or targeted scheme, and if they support the Town Council pledging £87,500 towards the scheme.
The poll will now take place in 14-25 working days between 4pm and 9pm. Conducted similar to a local election, however there will be no polling cards issued before the day, these will be collected by electors upon entry. There will be no postal votes. It’s estimated the cost of the poll will be around £30,000.
The outcome of the poll is non-binding to Ilkley Town Council or Bradford Council.
Bradford Council submitted the legal order to implement the scheme last month, which will come into force on 3rd November 2023. The order, which includes the 58 calming locations and areas of the 20mph zones, is available to view here.