The community centre in the heart of Ilkley is appealing for volunteers.
The Clarke Foley Community Centre does exactly what it says on the tin, being a community resource serving the whole community, from mums and babies meeting for a coffee and a chat, to art groups, choirs, dance lessons and much more.
A spokesperson for the centre on Cunliffe Road said: “Our youngest centre visitors are babes in arms and our eldest are in their 90’s. The benefits to all of a centre where people from all walks of life and of all ages can meet are well recognised.
“Historically, Clarke Foley has been seen as a place for more mature residents of Ilkley, and we’re extremely proud of the work we do with this age group. Our broad range of activities for the wider community enable us to provide free and subsidised events, such as our twice weekly lunch clubs and exercise classes, to the more vulnerable elderly residents of the town.
“Supported by our colleagues at Ilkley Community Transport our lunch clubs for the over 80s can reach people living in more isolated parts of the town and up to 70 local residents attend per week, many of whom may never otherwise get the opportunity to meet and eat socially.”
The charity is managed by a Board of voluntary trustees, has a valued team of volunteers, and employs a small team of staff. Everyone is welcome and by popping in for a coffee or lunch, by attending a class, a film, or a fair you’re supporting the work the centre does.
The spokesperson added: ”We are very keen to find some additional volunteers to help at the twice weekly lunch clubs. You just need to commit to two hours a week, 12.00-14.00, on a Tuesday or Thursday. Please contact the Business Manager, Joe Short, on 07495 045310 if you’re interested in joining our volunteer team.
“If you’re not able to volunteer, please consider popping in for a coffee or lunch and don’t forget to regularly check our website for events for the whole family.”