Last week an Ilkley Coronavirus Planning Meeting took place at the Clarke Foley Centre, representatives attended from the town council, district Councillors, health centres, Community Action Ilkley, Ilkley Good Neighbours, and local churches.
Among the actions, a leaflet has been designed (below) full of advice on Coronavirus, this is being delivered to all homes in Ilkley and Ben Rhydding and includes information of how to give and ask for support during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Ilkley Food Bank and a newly-formed soup kitchen from the Clarke Foley Centre kitchen are working together, supported by all Saints Church and St John's Church; funding streams through Councils and Rotary.

Ilkley Town Mayor, Mark Stidworthy said: ' We are in unprecedented times in Ilkley as coronavirus means it can no longer be business as usual around the town. Although the situation is constantly changing and the future is uncertain, we can confidently predict that as a town we will pull together as a community to get through the difficulties ahead.'
'Ilkley is filled with compassionate, resourceful and resilient people, and already has a wide range of community groups looking out for our residents. Planning is underway so they can continue and expand their work as the situation develops. In the next few days, every household will receive a leaflet encouraging us as a community to be good neighbours, look out for our families and friends, and asking for volunteers to help.'
'If you are able to help, and it is safe for you to do so, please join the community effort. If you are feeling isolated, lonely, or need help yourself, please remember that the Ilkley community is ready and willing to help you, and get in touch.'
'If you need help, or you would like to volunteer, the telephone number is: 07375 803 693 or go online to: https://bit.ly/ilkleycorona'
The latest Coronavirus news affecting Ilkley is available at ilkleychat.co.uk/coronavirus