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New crossing outside Ilkley Grammar School

Bradford Council has installed a new pedestrian crossing complete with an anti-skid high grip surface and safety rails on Cowpasture Road outside Ilkley Grammar School.

Council officers worked with local people including the head teacher of the school, local residents and councillors who had requested the infrastructure which will improve road safety around the school and reduce potential accidents and injuries.

Installing infrastructure of this kind is part of Bradford Council’s district-wide drive to encourage active travel such as walking and cycling.

Active travel is much better for the environment and has significant health benefits over journeys taken by car or public transport.

The project was funded by the government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “This is a great addition to Cow Pasture Road and we are grateful for the support from local people in making it happen.

“Infrastructure of this kind delivers significant benefits including increased road safety, reducing accidents and encouraging more people to get out of their cars and walk or cycle.

“This complements out No Idling Zones and Schools 20mph zone programme as well as our recently announced School Streets pilots and shows real delivery on this agenda right across Bradford District. It is much better for the environment and air quality around schools and helps people to become fitter and healthier.”

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