Bradford Council have assigned extra funding to support a new 'hot weather strategy' for Ilkley. This follows pressure from Ilkley's District Councillors before and after the problems along the riverside during hot weather in lock down.
Three weeks ago the anti-social behaviour was widely reported and a meeting followed where all parties attending, including the Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks (FOIRP), the Town Council and Bradford Council were in agreement, action was needed immediately to stop the persistent issues which arise whenever there is warm, sunny weather in Ilkley.
Councillor Anne Hawkesworth said this week "some extra funding has been allocated by the Council to support the newly initiated Hot weather strategy for Ilkley Riverside."
The strategy includes:
Extra security each side of Suspension Bridge.
Extra enforcement along road to prevent dangerous parking.
Bellybins to be increased (larger more effective rubbish bins).
An extra PCSO.
Cllr Hawkesworth added:
"These measures will be an improvement They will be instigated at need reflected by foreword weather forecasting however the suggested manpower will need substantial extra support from the police. I have requested site of the police hot weather strategy plan for Ilkley. We need all authorities to work smarter on such occasions."
On behalf of the Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks, Ed Duguid said:
"We (FOIRP) are really pleased with the reaction of the Council so far. They have increased their litter collections to daily during the high usage periods in the Park. They have, as agreed, installed large capacity bins at each end of East Holmes Fields. Obviously we wait to see how the management of crowds pans out when it happens but we hope closer liaison between the Council and the Police will happen, and Youth Workers will be deployed to talk to the Young People about overindulging in alcohol and the use of drugs Which led to some of the Ant-Social Behaviour we witnessed.
Anyway a good start.”
If you would like to become a member and support FOIRP’s work in the Parks you can complete the online form on the new website: friends-of-ilkley-riverside-parks.com