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2022 Wharfedale Scouts St George’s Day Parade & Celebration

Five hundred Scouts & Leaders attended The Annual Scout St George’s Day Parade & Celebration held this year for the first time since 2019.

Groups from Addingham, Ilkley Christchurch, 3rd Ben Rhydding, 1st Ben Rhydding, District Explorer Scouts, Burley in Wharfedale, Menston, Otley Methodists, Otley Bridge, 2nd Otley & Otley Parish paraded around Menston Park with The Salute being taken by Scout County Commissioner Ian Womersley plus The Two Wharfedale Scout District Commissioners Tim Haskins & Paul Jennings.

All Group & District Flags were presented to Rev Steve Proudlove The Vicar of Menston St john’s who took the service.

All Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts & Leaders renewed their promise & were reminded of The Scout Laws which binds The Scout Movement in Strong Ethical Standards and helping other people.

Squirrels The newest youngest section for aged four- to six-year-old children only launched in September 2021 were in Attendance from 2nd Otley Scouts. A group of Squirrels is called a Drey which is run locally by a Scout Group.

The Wharfedale Contingent to 25th World Scout Jamboree which is being held in Korea in 2023 served refreshments raising money for their experience of a Lifetime trip. Any offers of support to this project would be gratefully received.

A message from Bear Grylls Chief Scout was read out by Group scout Leader of Menston Roger Banister who organised the Parade together with his Group & Robin Beaumont from 1st Ben Rhydding, Peter Bennett from Burley & Dougie Lawson from Ilkley. Shelia Southern presented the collection which will be given to the DEC Ukraine Appeal. Shelia has carried out this role at St George’s Day Parade for over 30 years as a member of Wharfedale Lionhearts Scout Service Team with their Red & white St George’s Coloured neckerchiefs & sweatshirts. Sadly, one of The Lionhearts very long serving members David Hunt Died last week aged 77 only after serving on a Hike check point the day before as he had for the last 50 years. We sent our best wishes to Pat his Widow who also is long standing Lionheart member.

Five special Awards were given out at the Parade as is Tradition each year as St George’s Day Honours.

A Silver Acorn was presented to Dominic Dobson past District Commissioner of Wharfedale Scouts. The Silver Acorn is Awarded after at least 20 years’ service, which should be specially distinguished and appreciably better than outstanding. Dominic has achieved this by serving Wharfedale District for heading towards 40 years & was previously a long serving member of Otley Parish Group having made a significant difference to his Community, Young People & the Whole of Wharfedale Scouting encouraging many others to serve & join our Scout movement. Dominic was a long Serving Award winning Fire Fighter who is very practical & supported many Groups with Risk assessments during the Covid period & continues to serve as Appointments board Chair.

Mike Roberts immediate past District Chair for nearly Thirty years & before that Addingham Group Treasurer Chair also received The Silver Acorn. Mike was also Bookings Secretary for Curly Hill Campsite and his efficiency & passion created record use of the campsite & it’s high standard Hostel by many local community & Scout/Guide groups raising significant funds for The Wharfedale Scout District placing it on a form footing for many years to come & is a great legacy of which we are truly grateful.

Ashley France Scout Leader of Menston received The Meritorious Conduct Medal. This is a rare Medal & given for Ashley’s quick action when saving the Life of an elderly man by administering CPR.

These awards are for those who have conducted themselves with a high degree of courage, endurance, initiative or dedication to the Scouts, often through difficulties, without necessarily involving any element of risk to themselves. Awarded for meritorious conduct of an exceptionally high standard e.g., exceptional acts of bravery with no risk to their own life, or exceptional dedication to the Scouts despite the difficulties they have endured. The medal is a green ribbon with a red vertical stripe. Cloth badges/brooches correspond to this. Ashley’s Church Baildon Methodists are extremely Proud of his action especially as the incident happened right outside his Church where he runs the Website & newsletter.

Ironically Ashley only attended a refresher First Aid course the week before Run by Alan Pratt Group Scout leader of Otley Methodists. Alan is a wonderful teacher & very affable character making learning a really pleasant experience. Alan has carried out many first Aid course during tough times recently ref covid rules etc. A special Commissioner Award was presented to Alan for his special support in organising vital First Aid courses made easily attended and accessible by Alan’s flexible approach.

The best turned out Group Trophy was won by 2nd Otley Scout Group who are the first group in Wharfedale to have Squirrel Scouts. The St George’s Day Trophy was originally given by Philip Conyers GSL and Founder of the 3rd Ben Rhydding Group who was a keen collector of silver and elegant Scout memorabilia. This elegant Trophy of Scout with Staff was found in 3rd Ben Rhydding’s HQ and presented to the District appropriately for use for the Smartest turned-out Group at The Annual St George’s Day Parade

For more Information on Scouting in Wharfedale contact David Shaw @ more adult helpers are always required to try and combat large waiting lists & open new units.

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