Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, Bradford Council’s Leader, has joined together with councillors from across the political spectrum, and from all corners of our district, to create a ‘thank you’ video for Bradford Council staff.
The video has been shared with staff within the organisation, to thank colleagues for their strength and commitment during the coronavirus lockdown. It is also being shared on the council’s social media so that workers’ friends and family can see the tribute.
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, Leader of Bradford Council said: “We are privileged to have such dedicated and hardworking staff at Bradford Council. Many have been working long hours, going above and beyond what would normally be expected, even some redeploying to different roles, to keep the front line going.
“My councillor colleagues and I wanted to sincerely thank all the staff, for everything they are doing to keep the wonderful Bradford District safe and well, and maintain critical services during this time.
“The video features councillors from across the political parties. I know that each and every one of our councillors, whether they are on the video or not, shares the sentiment and gratitude expressed here.”