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Changes to Ilkley library opening hours

The opening hours at Bradford Council-run libraries, including Ilkley, are changing from next month. Ilkley library will be open two days until 7pm, rather than the current five.

In August and September Bradford Libraries asked for users to fill in a survey on changing the opening hours at libraries across the district. The survey asked about the libraries that you use and the proposed changes to opening hours and which evening opening times would be best.

There were a total of 1187 responses to the survey, including users from all 10 Council libraries. Overall, a total of 905 (76%) respondents agreed with the proposals. From the feedback received some of the proposals were amended.

From Monday, 4 December the opening hours of Ilkley library will be:

  • Monday: 9am to 7pm

  • Tuesday: 9am to 5pm

  • Wednesday: 9am to 5pm

  • Thursday: 9am to 7pm

  • Friday: 9am to 5pm

  • Saturday: 9am to 5pm

The council say: "This is not a cost saving exercise – no staff will lose their jobs and no libraries will close.

"It is hoped that once changes are made it will provide more opportunities for local community groups to use the library spaces when they are not open to the public, retain evening opening times on selected days as well as usual weekend opening, for people who cannot get to the library during the regular working day and reduce unplanned closures."

For further details of the services offer at Ilkley library visit:

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