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Climate Action Ilkley meeting: What Future for Waste?

Climate Action Ilkley (CAI) and the u3a Environment Forum have set up a meeting entitled ‘What Future for Waste?’ open to anyone interested, to talk about the problem. It’s in the Clarke Foley Community Hub in Ilkley, next Wednesday 21 February at 7:30pm.

Waste can hit the headlines - think plastic in our oceans, incinerators or the closure of our tip. And it's a big deal - waste causes 6% of our greenhouse gas emissions and that % may increase as other sectors decarbonise. Our government aims to establish a circular economy where products are used again or for longer through reuse, repair and recycling. But, according to the National Audit Office (June 2023), the UK missed its 2020 recycling target after nearly a decade of stalled recycling rates. And the main reforms the government has taken forward so far, on collection and packaging, have been delayed. 

The guest speaker at the event will be Martin Hyde, sustainability expert, who is recognised in the Hot 100 of professionals working in the recycling industry.

Steve Peel, member of CAI and U3A, says: “We have held a number of events related to waste and they always attract great interest. People are often frustrated by, for example, the proliferation of plastic packaging, the inconsistency of local authority recycling arrangements or the inability to get electrical items repaired.”

Climate and other ‘green’ issues are likely to feature strongly in the local and general election campaigns this year. This is the first in a series of events on the theme ‘Your World, Your Vote’ in which speakers, expert in their fields, will explain the current situation, how it came about, what government policies are currently in place and what needs to change in order to meet future climate and sustainability targets.

Tickets are free and available on Eventbrite: What Future for Waste? Tickets, Wed 21 Feb 2024 at 19:30 | Eventbrite. It will be interactive with plenty of time for questions and reactions.

Other planned events are on Wednesday 20 March, focused on transport choices with Dr Noel Cass and Tuesday 16 April on renewable energy, fossil fuels and nuclear energy with Prof Peter Taylor.


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