Gymnasts from Olicana Gymnastics Club were ecstatic to finally able to get back to into the gym last week after an absence of 18 weeks. However, their joy was short lived as indoor sports and fitness organisations were told to close in the Bradford district on Friday.

Club Owner and Head coach Josette Cornish says “This is a huge blow for indoor community sports clubs. A great amount of planning was done to make our return into the gym Covid-19 safe and it was working extremely well, it is so disappointing to have to close again after just 6 days”.
The squad gymnasts who normally train over 9 hours a week have been training online and outdoors throughout lockdown.
“They have been absolutely brilliant and were so happy to be back in the gym with their team mates and coaches. Gymnastics has been a real lifeline for them and parents have told me that there were many tears when they heard the gym would have to close again.
However, we will continue with a mixture of virtual and outdoor training sessions and hope that we can open again soon”.
The club plans to fully re-open in September for recreational gymnastics with many classes already full.