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Helicopter helps with moor improvements

A helicopter was busy on Ilkley moor last week ferrying stone and wood materials for the construction of more leaky mini-dams on the Backstone beck area.

This was part of the Natural Flood Management programme funded by the Environment Agency, Bradford Council and Moors for the Future Partnership.

Friends of Ilkley Moor took the opportunity to hire the helicopter to ferry 65 bags of hardcore over to West Buckstones on the top of the moor. This will be used to improve the footpath either side of the boardwalk leading from the Buckstones down to Crawshaw moss, making the going easier for walkers and protecting the peat soils.

Money for the helicopter hire was granted by Ilkley Town Council’s Green Spaces, Environment and Sustainability Committee with a small top-up from the Friends. Hardcore has been provided by Bradford Council and volunteer labour from Friends of Ilkley Moor will lay the path.

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