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Help choose 'A Flower for Wharfedale'

In their 75th anniversary year, Wharfedale Naturalists are searching for a “A Flower for Wharfedale”.

They would like you yo choose a wild flower, which can become the Floral Emblem for Wharfedale.

A shortlist of ten has been chosen and are available to view on the groups website.

"Our endeavour has been to include both the common and the rare, flowers which cover our woodland floor, decorate our hedgerows and verges, survive on the wind-swept moors and those that remind us of high summers spent in the upper dale."

Choose your personal favourite from the ten at Or text the name of your chosen flower (Gorse, Sweet Cicely, Foxglove, Heather, Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Bird’s-eye Primrose, Lesser Celandine, Bluebell, Bilberry or Bloody Cranesbill) to 07854 888206.

Voting is open until Thursday 18 June.

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