Taken into safe keeping in 2015 by Bradford Council the artefacts that were on display in the heritage space of Ilkley Manor House are at last being returned.
‘The large display cabinet in the Heritage Room housed over 70 artefacts. They are part of the story of the town and its development and so it is important that they are back on display for our visitors’ said John Cockshott, Trustee of Manor House Trust and Chair of the Friends. ‘It has taken a long time to negotiate their return and this period has been extended by the lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 but the Board is delighted that they are coming back.’
The artefacts include Stone Age flint scrapers, arrow heads and a stone axe head. There are copper weapons perhaps of the Bronze Age. The many Roman items include domestic items such as Samian and amphora pieces and military artefacts including pieces of scale armour and part of an officer’s stone memorial. Taken together, the artefacts provide an important thread through Ilkley’s history. They are also only a sample of the many artefacts found in and around Ilkley which are now distributed widely through Yorkshire.
Gearóid Mac a' Ghobhainn, Collections Curator at Bradford Museums & Galleries commented ‘These wonderful artefacts form an important part of the Archaeology Collection of Bradford Museums & Galleries and help tell a rich and engaging story of the district. We are looking forward to seeing these historic artefacts back on display at Ilkley Manor House. We hope this long-term loan will be the start of a long and fruitful partnership with Ilkley Manor House.
Ilkley Manor House is open to the public weekends 11am – 4pm. Further information is on the website – www.ilkleymanorhouse.org