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'I’d be destitute without it' - Ilkley Food Bank

A standard example of one bag from Ilkley Food Bank

Ilkley Food Bank is a lifeline to the families and individuals that rely on it delivering over 50 bags each week.

Feedback from those who use it reveals how appreciative they are of people in the local community, from “A lifeline” and “Without it I don’t know what I’d do” to “It really makes a difference in our lives.”

A spokesperson for Ilkley Food Bank said: “The plight of our clients needing help is also brought home when we hear “I’d be destitute without it” and “Would struggle to buy food”. That struggle is also plain when we hear of a client who, before the food bank, was living everyday on bread and jam. Or the client who after paying all their bills had only £19.00 a week left for food, toiletries and cleaning items. That’s less than £2.72 per day.”

“Today spending £2.72 might buy one coffee but imagine once you have bought your one or two items that day you have no further money for anything else. Or if you spend more than that daily amount then at the end of the week you are penniless.”

“Ilkley Food Bank clients are our neighbours and regular donations through our supporting collection points are crucial in helping people, perhaps just for a short time, to cope with situations many of us would also struggle to manage.”

“Happily the food bank provides people with food, toiletries, cleaning products and other essentials and in doing so we also offer people that often lost option of choice.”

By choosing to give you can help by donating at Booths, Tesco and the Co-op (Bolton Bridge Road). At the present time the food bank specifically need donations of toiletries, tinned meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and rice pudding.

If you would like to help financially instead you can donate online via the following link:

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