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Ilkley Civic Society 2022 Design & Conservation Awards

Ilkley Civic Society has announced the return of its Design & Conservation Awards after a break of 2 years on Thursday 24 March to local businesses, organisations & individuals.

Held on Zoom, this year the society is presenting 2 Awards and 5 Commendation certificates to a wide variety of projects all of which had succeeded in making a valuable contribution to improving the townscape of Ilkley or its surrounding landscape. Projects, selected from a long list of 25 projects from the last two years included a variety of commercial buildings, private residences and one natural environment project.

Chair of Ilkley Civic Society Helen Kidman commented, ‘There have been some very interesting developments for us to consider over the past two years, with building work of high quality and plans which are innovative in their use of space. It is especially pleasing to see modern design successfully complementing Ilkley’s older buildings’.

Certificates are being delivered to the following projects:-

A Conservation Award to Fishers Developments of Keighley for the conversion of two historic farm buildings on the edge of the moor. A barn and original farmhouse now provide two modern residential units already occupied but maintaining the historic character of the original buildings visible in the repair/reuse of historic materials and skills.

A Design Award, to Jeremy Newsome (Ilkley architect) and his client who commissioned the construction of a new garage attached to a Victorian villa (a‘Key Unlisted Building’) in west Ilkley. A traditional garage adjacent to the front elevation would have had a negative effect on the villa so it has been turned through 90 degrees so it is not visible from the street. What can be seen is a well designed and detailed stone wall. This new building was constructed by local builder Lee Gray.

Design Commendations (for new build projects) for a newbuild contemporary detached house in Ben Rhydding designed by local architect Richard Dawson for the owner occupier. This was an infill site but sufficient space existed to create this contemporary interpretation of a traditional detached house with both an interesting front and rear elevation.

The second commendation in this category was for the Moss and Moor Garden Centre with an appropriate new use and design for a gateway site to the town. This independent local business commissioned local architect Nigel Jaques to lead the large design and construction team.

Conservation Commendations (for work on historic buildings or structures) to Bettys for its major investment in the upgrade and maintenance of its property on The Grove. Many weeks of scaffolding to the front and rear and apparently very little to see for it , but this is the sign of good conservation of historic buildings. In fact structural maintenance of chimneys, the roof and walls took place. An upgrade of the two large bay windows to the front elevation to modern insulation standards and changes to the heating and ventilation equipment hidden on the flat roof to the rear elevation.

A second conservation commendation goes to an innovative rear extension to a terrace house in the Railway Town. Its all too easy to opt for a single story flat roof extension or even less appealing, a massive box dormer on the roof forgetting all the neighbours have to look at it for years to come. In this case a shallow 2 storey extension with small pitched roof dormers at first floor has provided the additional space the client required, designed by local architect Dan Bland.

Environmental Improvement Commendation (projects that enhance the townscape or surroundings of Ilkley) One project received a commendation in this category and that was the wildflower meadow that provided a welcome to Ilkley along the front of Ashlands School on Leeds Rd.

Helen added: "We hope that next year we can return to a live presentation and would welcome any suggestions of projects from readers to add to the 10 already on our long list".

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