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Ilkley District Councillors call for vigilance to help defeat coronavirus

District Councillors with recent LoyalFree Ilkley winner

With new Covid-19 cases starting to emerge in Ilkley, in a joint statement District Councillors Kyle Green, Mike Gibbons and Anne Hawkesworth are calling for residents to remain vigilant and follow the government guidelines.

"During the last few months, Ilkley residents and businesses, along with the rest of the UK, have endured a difficult period of time as the coronavirus pandemic has brought significant challenges.

With the Prime Minister advising that we look likely to see restrictions last another six months, the three District Councillors are conscious that for many people big challenges remain and are calling for residents to follow the government guidelines of Hands - Face - Space in order to help the town defeat coronavirus.

In order to help stop a wave of infections in the town, the Councillors are calling for residents and businesses to remember to take responsibility to take measures to help stop the spread of the virus, such as wearing face masks where required, adhering to social distancing and respecting the rules of self-isolation if a resident fears they may have developed symptoms of the virus.

All three Councillors understand the frustrations that mixed messaging and actions from Bradford Council have had in confusing residents and businesses who want to do the right thing. What they believe is most important, though, is that the town of Ilkley comes together as it did at the start of the pandemic to support residents in need, and to shop local to support local businesses.

For those that are struggling, there are fantastic services available, such as Ilkley & District Good Neighbours (01943 603348), who can help those who may need assistance with shopping or are looking for befriending services, and Ilkley Food Bank, who support those who may need help feeding themselves and their families, especially if they have to self-isolate. Charities such as Mind (0300 123 3393) also offer support to those who are struggling with mental health wellbeing.

With everyone wanting to see the best for the town, all three Councillors hope that we can pull together to keep our spirits up and help us battle through this pandemic."

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