As part of its exciting summer programme of events, Ilkley Manor House will be celebrating its own 14th century heritage.
A forthcoming exhibition and series of pop-up activities will provide a glimpse into how Ilkley residents used to live during the period in which the house was first built, c. 1340.
Visitors will be able to discover what life was really like in the Middle Ages; you can get front row seats at a medieval fashion show, expand your knowledge of luxurious, medieval embroidery, take part in family fun and games with a medieval twist, and even take a selfie in a hennin.
Sarah Thomas, Chair of the Ilkley Manor House Trust, says, “Ilkley Manor House’s medieval celebration promises to be lots of fun. Children and families will be able to play medieval games, dress-up in replica period costumes, make pomanders to take home, and visit the newly created medieval herb garden.”
Ilkley Manor House’s summer programme runs from May until the end of August; the focus on all things medieval will take place throughout May and June. Other exhibitions and events include a delve into the Yorkshire Ballet Seminars’ photo archive, performances from Iona Lane and Mark Gregory, Bard in the Yard, a summer makers’ fair, and fascinating coffee morning talks and walks around Ilkley.
Ilkley Manor House is open weekends 11am until 4pm, for further details about the summer programme, please visit the Ilkley Manor House website at ilkleymanorhouse.org or pop along and pick up a physical brochure from the entrance in Castle Yard.