Do you have an artificial Christmas tree stored in an attic or in an understairs cupboard that you haven’t used for a while.
The team at the Manor House are planning an exciting installation in the house over the months of January and February 2023 and to create this, they need to locate a considerable number of artificial trees (most probably Christmas trees) that they can borrow. They need to be over 4’ and they can be in any condition even if they have lost their stand.
A spokesperson said: "We appreciate that some of these trees might be used over the Christmas period and so we are looking to borrow them from 6th January with the magical installation being ready to view a few days later.
"The resulting ‘Enchanted Forest’ will be available to view through the windows of the Manor House throughout January and early February to brighten up these rather gloomy months.
"If you would like to play a part in creating this new Manor House installation, please email sarah@ilkleymanorhouse.org and we will be in touch."