Ilkley Town Council is pleased to announce that it will be organising an in-person Act of Remembrance this year.
The ceremony will commence at 3pm on Sunday 14 November at the Memorial Gardens, Ilkley, and will be led by the Rev Dr Roberta Topham. All are welcome at the Memorial Gardens and there will be an opportunity to lay your wreath at the end if you wish.
The ceremony will be preceded by the traditional parade starting from Whitton Croft Road. This will include dignitaries, members of the armed forces and uniformed and civic organisations.
Participants in the parade will assemble from 2.15pm, and at 2.40pm will progress in front of the Town Hall, along The Grove and into the Memorial Gardens to assemble in time for the 3pm start.
All are welcome to support the parade and to attend the event in the Memorial Gardens. Participants are reminded to wear suitable footwear and clothing for the parade.
Due to the nature of the event and the expected numbers of participants, please note that it will not be possible to ensure social distancing. In addition, we ask that all attendees carry out a lateral flow test on the morning of the event if possible. If the test is positive, or if you are experiencing possible Covid symptoms on the day, please do not attend.
A collection will be held for the Royal British Legion.
Last year Ilkley Town Council joined with Rombalds Radio for a virtual remembrance service on Sunday both online and on air.