Residents of Bradford District will get the chance to ask questions to the Council's key decision makers about the district’s COVID-19 response.
A special live Facebook Q&A session will take place on Wednesday 11 November at 2.30pm where the Leader of Bradford Council, Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe and Director of Public Health for Bradford District, Sarah Muckle, will be answering questions about the district’s COVID health recovery.
They will be joined by Deputy Leader, Cllr Imran Khan as well as Toni Williams from Public Health England.
The theme of the Q&A session will be on “COVID recovery: stopping the spread”.
This will focus on what action is being taken to help reduce infection rates and halt the spread of COVID-19 as we approach winter. During the session, the panel will take questions on new national restrictions, self-isolation, test and trace, and what individuals can do to reduce their own health risks, and those of their children, family and friends.
Residents will be able to watch on Bradford Council's Facebook page:
Leader of Bradford Council, Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, said: “In Bradford District we are continuing to experience rising infection rates, and we want to give residents the opportunity to ask us directly what they can do to help protect their health and get these rates down.
“Bradford District has also gone through a range of different restrictions over the last few months and we’re aware that some residents may be uncertain about the latest rules and advice on COVID.”
If you wish to leave a question you will need to have access to a Facebook account.
The panel will try and answer as many questions as they can during the 60 minute session.
Some questions may not be taken by the panel if not relevant to the theme or the Council.
Questions will also not be answered if it requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information. If it is deemed offensive or inappropriate the question will be removed.