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Ilkley's community development plan receive final sign off

Ilkley Town Mayor, Cllr Mark Stidworthy with Deputy Mayor, Cllr Ros Brown, also Ilkley's Neighbourhood Development Plan Chair

After almost a decade of hard work, Ilkley's community-led neighbourhood plan has come into force .

In June, Bradford Council formally adopted the neighbourhood development plan which will now guide local growth and development in the area.

The confirmation follows nine years of hard work and dedication by local residents, councillors and the council’s planning officers, work began on the neighbourhood development plan in 2013.

The plan went through a number of stages required by the government including community consultation, engagement and independent examination to ensure they met the government’s planning conditions and legal requirements.

In a referendum held in May this year, the Ilkley plan received 82.7% of the vote.

The plans will now form part of Bradford Council’s overall planning policy and will guide planning officers and committees in reaching local development decisions. Developers will use the documents to guide their planning proposals.

Neighbourhood planning was brought in by the government’s Localism Act to give local communities a greater say in how their areas grow and develop.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “Congratulations to all those who have put in almost a decade of hard work to help shape the future development of Ilkley.

“Neighbourhood Development Plans represent a significant step forward in local democracy and will assist planning committees to make decisions which reflect people’s views on how their local areas should be developed and protected.”

Ilkley Town Mayor, Councillor Mark Stidworthy, said: “I am delighted the Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan has now been formally adopted by Bradford Council.

“It will be given full weight in determining planning applications within the Ilkley neighbourhood area.

“I would like to thank the many people who were part of the working group that undertook the research and consultation with residents, and provided the local expertise that underpins the plan.

“The views of local people on development in our own town are clearly expressed in the plan and we hope that it will have a positive impact well into the future.”

Ilkley Town Councillor and Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan Chair, Ros Brown, said: “The adoption of the new plan will increase the Town Council funds available to support and sustain our community through a rise in the Community Infrastructure Levy.

“After nearly ten years of preparation this is a significant moment and it’s great to see the working group’s efforts come to fruition.”

The new plan can be viewed at

Paper versions can also be viewed at the locations below, during normal opening hours:

• Bradford Council Customer Service Centre, Britannia House, Broadway, Bradford, BD1 1HX

• City Library, Centenary Square, Bradford, BD1 1SD

• Ilkley Library, Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HA

• Ilkley Town Council Office, Ilkley Town Hall, Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HB (Telephone 01943 436212 or email

• Clarke Foley Community Centre, Cunliffe Road, Ilkley, LS29 9DZ

• Ilkley Visitor Information Centre, Ilkley Library, Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HB

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