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Lively Q&A at u3a talk with Ilkley MP

MP Robbie Moore at u3a meeting (photo: @_RobbieMoore)

U3a members came back in big numbers for the first Saturday Talk of 2022. Around 80 people congregated in the big hall at the Clarke Foley Centre to hear the Ilkley and Keighley MP, Robbie Moore.

Robbie gave a good account of his background and his time as a newly elected MP. He went on to talk about his local priorities for the Ilkley and Keighley constituency, and in particular, his plans and proposals for the replacement and rebuilding of the ageing Airedale Hospital.

The timing of the talk couldn’t have been better after what has been a tumultuous week in Westminster, and his presentation was followed by a lively question and answer session. Members were keen to find out Robbie’s views on a wide range of local and national issues. Questions asked included topics such as bathing water status, farming land grants and policy, personal data and data protection, the Airedale hospital, the mixed characteristics of his Ilkley/Keighley constituency and, inevitably, Parliamentary behaviour and speculation on the Prime Minister.

The session could have run on but was curtailed because Robbie had surgery booked at the Clarke Foley Centre both before and after his talk. He emphasised the importance of his availability as a constituency MP in what is very much a marginal seat, which has swung backwards and forwards between Labour and the Conservatives.

Later Robbie tweeted his thanks to Ilkley & District u3a for inviting him to be the first guest speaker of 2022. He continued, “It was great to give an overview of my first two years of being your MP and what I have been working on but also to take questions from the floor. I appreciated the honest feedback on current events.”

The monthly Saturday talks are only one of many activities open to members of Ilkley& District u3a. Members have over 140 different activity groups to choose from on a wide range of topics from languages to sport and art to science. Membership is open to retired and semi-retired folk in the area who like to meet people, learn new things and make friends through shared interests and hobbies. It’s never been easier to join the U3A and membership until July costs only £7.

For further information about the U3A and how to join, come along to one of our Drop-in sessions in the Clarke Foley Centre on the first and third Friday of the month. There you can chat to group leaders and Trustees over a cup of tea/coffee. Alternatively go to the website at and follow the links or visit us on Facebook and Twitter.

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