Despite having to self isolate, two sisters won medals in a gymnastics competition at the weekend.
Gymnasts Zara and Sophia Whittaker were devasted when they found out they had to miss their first gymnastics competition in 16 months due to having to self isolate following contact with a positive covid 19 case. However, this did not deter them as they continued to train and practice at home.
They entered virtually by sending videos of their routines to the competition organisers. Zara aged 12 from Ilkley Grammar School achieved a silver medal for her floor routine and younger sister Sophia age 8 from All Saints School won a gold medal.
The competition held on Sunday was hosted by Olicana Gymnastics Club at Ghyll Royd School where both Zara and Sophia train for 10 hours a week. Around 100 children took part in the event which was spread over 3 smaller sessions in an attempt to control numbers and manage other covid safety precautions.
Head coach and competition organiser Josette Cornish says: “It has been a tough challenge to put on an event under the current pingdemic environment where things are changing constantly but the happy faces of the gymnasts and their families has made it all worthwhile. It has been really upsetting for children who had to miss out due to covid 19 related reasons so the virtual entry option has been a life saver. We all need a sense of normality and the event was a positive step in the right direction".