A virtual meeting to update residents in Ilkley on the progress of a partnership created to improve ecological status of the River Wharfe will take place on 13 May, ahead of the start of the 2021 bathing season.
The event will focus on water safety and visitor management plans from Bradford Council following the designation of part of the River Wharfe as the country’s first inland bathing water on a river. There will also be updates from Yorkshire Water, the Environment Agency and other partners on a range of activities underway as part of the partnership.
Members of the public will be able to ask questions during the virtual meeting.
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council's portfolio holder - regeneration, planning & transport said: "Bradford Council is working with our partners to ensure that plans are in place for the management of the River Wharfe at Ilkley, including the appropriate signage for the Bathing Water designation, before the bathing season starts in May. We welcome the opportunity to give an update to key stakeholder groups and Ilkley residents through this Partnership-led public meeting.”
The Wharfe partnership is also planning to run a series of regular scheduled sessions to allow people to keep up to date and input into the work. It’s hoped that these will be able to take the form of public drop-in sessions for people to find out more about the plans in place for the river catchment, dependant on Covid restrictions in place at the time.
Following the session in May ahead of the bathing season, the aim is to hold a further session at the end of the bathing season, which runs until September, followed by a meeting in early 2022.
In between these events, monthly updates will be provided on the progress being made by the partnership.
Richard Emmott, director of corporate affairs at Yorkshire Water, said: “It is vital that people in Ilkley are involved in this process from day one and have their opportunity to ask questions and receive regular updates on progress from key stakeholders.
“The next meeting, and those planned in the future, will help to ensure everyone has an opportunity to have their say and will help to deliver the results everyone involved wants to see.”
The meeting will take place on 13th May at 5pm and anyone wishing to attend can register at via www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/river-wharfe-partnership-update-tickets-147762133519