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Online activities growing at Ilkley Manor House

Town Mayor, Cllr Mark Stidworthy's story time will be live on Friday

Ilkley Manor House’s virtual programme of online activities called Ilkley Manor House at Home has continued to grow and now includes a 7 day a week programme of activities and moments to brighten everyone’s days.

‘With the Manor House likely to be closed for many more weeks we wanted to continue to grow and develop our online offer to for our ‘visitors’.  We now have a 7 day a week programme of online heritage and art themed activities catering for all age groups.  We have been thrilled with the response from our volunteers, performers, artists and the local community to help us provide these daily inputs of fun, learning and reflection’ said Sarah Thomas, Chair of the Ilkley Manor House Trust.   

‘We are very honoured that the Town Mayor, Cllr Mark Stidworthy agreed to read one of the stories for our Friday Storytime at the Manor House’ said Sarah.   The Town Mayor’s film will be going live on Friday 1st May.

‘Our newest element of the programme is the Wednesday ‘Words’ section where the Wharfedale Poets as well as individuals who just love poetry are reading their own or poetry written by others that means something to them.   It is a wonderful addition to our programme.’

Sarah ends “Coronavirus has impacted on all our lives and future generations will learn about the 2020 pandemic as part of history.  As the Manor House, we are keen to start to collect reflections, moments, images and records – both physical and virtual to help us record this moment in both history of the town and for all of us.  We are still in the process of developing how best to do this over the next few weeks.”

For find out more about Ilkley Manor House visit or  Facebook @ilkleymanorhouse Twitter @manorhouseilk Instagram @ilkleymanorhouse

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