Parking charges remain suspended in Ilkley Bradford Council has confirmed.
The council announced on March 27 that it was suspending parking charges in all council-run car parks and on-street parking bays as part of its response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, Executive for Regeneration, Housing and Transport, told Ilkley Chat today (27 May): "There's no confirmed date for bringing back charges yet, when there is one we'll let people know accordingly."
Meanwhile work is underway in the South Hawksworth Street car park in advance of the proposed resurfacing.
Additional spaces will be created through the re-lining and various amendments to kerbing and layout. The work will also see improved street lighting, an electric vehicle charging point and the removal and replacement of trees. The council has also been liaising with cycling groups and others on the potential to improve cycling facilities throughout the town centre
The lock down has caused a backlog of work for contractors, the intention is for the car park to be done in halves, so one half will be closed while the work takes place, then the other. Bradford Council will release a future statement of the dates when resurfacing will take place.