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VIDEO: Alan Titchmarsh opens new planters in his home town

TV gardener, Alan Titchmarsh, was in his home town of Ilkley Wednesday afternoon to officially open the new flowerbeds on the Station Plaza.

Alan also judged the Friends of Ilkley Railway Station's planter competition, local primary schools have created displays in the planters on the station platform. Ashlands Primary School were the winners.

He went to on conduct Otley Brass Band who played Ilkley Moor Ba Tat.

Naomi Terence caught the speech and ribbon cutting for us ✂️

The Ilkley Bid, Project Rome & H Eaton & Sons donated towards one flowerbed. Cllr Anne Hawksworth another, in memory of her late husband John, and Roger Yaxley who started the Project going another. Ilkley & Wharfedale Rotary Clubs with Moss & Moor contributed towards current planting costs.

David Shaw MBE said: "Improving Ilkley and their stalwart workers must be praised for all their efforts to retain the area to this great standard."

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