Have your say on Ilkley’s future development
This week Ilkley Town Council are launched their statutory public consultation on the Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan (INDP).
The consultation period ends on Thursday 19 December 2019. Comments are invited from all those who live, work and carry out business in the area.
Ilkley’s Deputy Mayor and INDP project leader, Cllr Ros Brown explains the importance of the Plan and this consultation ‘The INDP is a relatively new type of plan which is concerned with land use planning and development. It allows local people to help shape the future development of Ilkley and Ben Rhydding.'
'It is vital the Neighbourhood Plan reflects the issues of greatest concern to residents for the development of our town.’ After the Town Council receive everyone’s comments the Plan will be revised then submitted to CBMDC and an independent examiner before going to public referendum. It is hoped this process will be completed in the Spring. If successful at referendum the INDP will sit alongside CBMDC’s statutory local plan. This means decisions on planning applications for Ilkley will be made using both the local plan and the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Brown continues ‘The Town Council are very grateful to former councillor Brian Mann and the Committee of town councillors and experienced volunteers who initiated the plan and steered it through its early stages.’
This Committee has included members of the Ilkley Design Statement Group, Ilkley Civic Society, Ben Rhydding Action Group and Climate Action Ilkley. A specialist consultant has also been employed.
The following issues to be addressed in the INDP: • Provision of new sustainable housing • Protection of key community facilities • Protection and enhancement of key environmental assets such as heritage and landscape; especially minimising the loss of local Green Belt • Sustainability and climate change; ensuring development is sustainable and supports the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate • Car parking, traffic, vehicle use and public transport • Maintaining Ilkley’s role as a destination for shopping and tourism • Supporting economic growth • Ensuring Ilkley is a place that is accessible and inclusive.
Ilkley’s Mayor, Cllr Mark Stidworthy, also invites everyone to engage with the Town Council’s public consultation on the Ilkley Sustainability Plan which runs for the same period and can be accessed in the same places as the Neighbourhood Plan.
‘As there are strict limits on the scope of neighbourhood plans the Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan working group of IIkley Town Council saw the need for a wider vision for the town based on tackling the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. In 2018 the INDP Committee commissioned the Ilkley Sustainability Plan (ISP). Whilst the ISP has areas of overlapping interest and influence it will not be taken into account in CBMDC assessment of planning applications in Ilkley.’
Drafting of the ISP was led by Climate Action Ilkley and IlkIey Clean River Campaign with contributions from Friends of IIkley Moor, Wharfedale Naturalists and Wharfedale Tackles Plastic.
The Plan and response forms can be accessed online using the Town Council website. Hard copies of the Plan can also be viewed during this period at the Town Hall, the Library, Clarke Foley Centre, Christchurch, Ben Rhydding Methodist Church and St John’s Church Ben Rhydding.
People are also invited to engage with the Plan and discuss any questions they may have at a public meeting on Friday 29th November, 7 – 8pm at The Clarke Foley Centre and at three drop-in sessions hosted at the Town Hall, 10:00-12:00 on:
Thursday 14 November
Monday 18 November
Wednesday 4 December
Further enquiries can be made to the Clerk to the Town Council (01943 436212 or clerk@towncouncil.ilkley.org).