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Riverside Hotel Bloom entry 2018.jpg

Riverside Hotel - a 2018 winner

Once again Ilkley in Bloom is holding its Local Competition.


Entries are invited by the end of July for the following classes:

1. Private Gardens, window boxes, balcony’s, baskets etc with easy access for judging    


2 .Nursing and Care Homes

3. Commercial Premises - Split into two categories.

       (i)       Baskets/tubs and boxes.

       (ii)      Gardens, baskets, tubs etc.

4. Tourism – hotels, b/b’s,  etc

5. Allotments - one winner from each group, Castle Road, Leeds Road and Bridge Lane

6. Communities (blocks of apartments, or groups of housing with communal gardens).

7. Restaurants, public houses, etc

Judging will take place during the week commencing 12th August and the judging criteria is:


1   Visual impact of display. The display can be in pots, baskets, containers etc or garden planted.  

2   Quality of plants that make the display outstanding and well looked after.  

3   The whole area (including boundaries) should be weed and litter free. 

4   Some plants should show all year round interest. 

5   Allotments - well looked after and showing an all round variety of good quality planting. Weed free.


This year special emphasis is to be on pollinating plants.

The winners and those placed in second and third places in each category (except allotments where there is one trophy per allotment site) will be invited to a presentation tea in September/October.

If you would like to enter the Local Competition or if you would like further information please contact  -  Lorraine on 01943 600869 ( or Kate on 01943 6045 ( - by the end of July 2019.

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