Commuter misery as more strike action is planned
The RMT trade union is taking strike action on Friday 1 September and Monday 4 September, and Northern services will be affected as a result.
On both days the first train will run from Ilkley to Leeds at 07:10 and to Bradford 08:24, the last train to Ilkley from Leeds is 17:32 and from Bradford 16:43.
Here are the revised timetables (click a timetable to view and download as a pdf).

If you travel on a strike day and experience a delay of 30 minutes or more, you can claim compensation through Northern's Delay Repay scheme. Customers with season tickets that don't include buses, trams or ferries, who decide not to travel due to strike action, can also claim compensation.
The latest information is available from the Northern website: www.northernrailway.co.uk/industrial-action