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Bradford Council urges people to recycle

Increasing awareness of the damage done to the natural world by waste plastic has led Bradford Council to urge people to redouble their efforts to recycle.

From last year, residents of the Bradford district have been able to recycle more plastic items than before. This includes plastic food wrappings and trays, yoghurt pots, butter tubs and food and drinks cartons, as well as bottles. All recyclable items, including paper can now go in one bin, either grey bin or grey bin with blue lid.

Anyone needing a recycling bin can order one for free. People can have more than one recycling bin.

Coun Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Culture and Sport, said: “We are all aware of how much waste plastic can damage the environment so it’s more important than ever that we don’t contribute to that damage by not recycling.

“As well as damaging the environment it’s also such a waste of material because recycled plastic is useful and can also be made into other items rather than polluting our seas and beaches.”

For more information about recycling in Bradford go to:

If you have a smart phone or tablet, you can download the free Bradford Council app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, just search for Bradford Council. It’s full of useful information and It will remind you when to put your bins out for collection.

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