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Finnish film next for Ilkley Film Society

The next film from Ilkley Film Society will be the bitter-sweet Finnish film Compartment No. 6 on Sunday 18th September at Ilkley Playhouse.

"It’s a sort of road movie, although much of it takes place on a train heading from Moscow to Murmansk in the Arctic Circle. Finnish student Laura is hoping to fulfil an ambition to see the famous Kanozero Petroglyphs, rock carvings over 4000 years old on a remote island. To her dismay she finds she is sharing a sleeping compartment with Lyokha, an uncouth hard-drinking young Russian miner. In the course of a long journey through a hostile environment each one discovers that the other has qualities they can admire and rely on."

Admission is free to members. Guests are welcome (£4 cash on the door). Membership of the society is still open, and details and the application form are available at

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