Bradford Council Sport and Leisure have today said that works on Ilkley Indoor Pool are almost completed and the pool is scheduled to re-open Monday 3 May 2021.
A spokesperson for Bradford Council said: "Bradford Aquatics and School Swimming lessons will restart week commencing 17 May. Customers will be contacted via email in the coming days/weeks with any amended times that have had to be implemented due to COVID safe ways of working.
"Ilkley Swimming Club Swimmers will be contacted directly by the club.
"All public sessions will need to be pre-booked online via our online system. This will go live Monday 26 April and will run on a 7 day rolling timetable. There's a useful webpage which has our bookings link and a helpful video if you're struggling with booking online for the first time.
"We will be publishing a detailed update on the scope and scale of the works on-going in the Lido grounds in the coming week."
The Bradford Swimming Facebook page had previously published a timetable expecting the indoor pool to reopen on Monday 26 April.