Rotarians with donated bicycles : Terry Parkes, Tony Kendall, Peter Mate, David Sleightholme, Janet Sleightholme and Helen Rowlands (Margaret Carey Foundation)
6th Rotary Recycling Day a great success
Saturday (September 21) saw another bumper Recycling Day for Ilkley Wharfedale Rotary Club as residents flooded the Club with donations of bicycles, sewing machines, tools and mobility aids, spectacles and backpacks.
In total the club collected 106 bikes, 16 sewing machines, 3 van-loads of assorted workshop equipment (hand tools and power tools), 6 wheelchairs, 6 rollators, 150 pairs of spectacles and an assortment of other mobility aids. For the second time the club also collected unwanted school backpacks and a stack of these was received and these will be passed on to Mary’s Meals for distribution.
It was the club’s 6th Annual Recycling Event, which started with “Recycle that Bicycle” but has grown over the years to support several other charities who refurbish and turn into good use many other practical items no longer used by their original owners.
“We were delighted to have so much equipment donated once again” said organiser and Immediate Past Club President John Brash, “People who donated these unwanted items can be assured that they will be used to change people’s lives in the third world – giving people sight, mobility or employment, or helping in their education”, he said.
“Since we started collecting unwanted bicycles six years ago we have now collected well over 750 bikes in total – and we have gradually extended the range of items we collect. Our partner charities have expressed their gratitude for the efforts of our Rotary Club Members.”
The equipment will be refurbished either by the Margaret Carey Foundation, SpecSort, Physionet, Mary’s Meals or Ilkley Tools for Africa and then donated as appropriate to people who need them but can’t afford them thereby giving them a new life in the third world. Ilkley Tools for Africa supplies WORKAID with the tools which go to vocational training centres in East & Central Africa as well as the UK. ITFA also supports the Nuffield School for the Deaf and Blind, Jaffna, Sri Lanka and a similar project in Uganda.
The Club intends to hold the event again next year.