Sponsors and volunteers needed for Half Marathon
During the monthly meeting of Ilkley community groups and businesses, the Round Table of Ilkley gave a presentation about their Half Marathon which is being held on Sunday 14 July at 10.30am.
At the meeting which was attended by Cllr Stephen Butler, Ilkley Town Mayor and Cllr Martin Smith, Deputy Lord Mayor of Bradford, members of the Round Table talked about sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, how to apply for charity funds and explained how on the day 200 volunteers will be required as stewards.
Anyone wishing to volunteer is asked to email: volunteers@ilkleyhalfmarathon.co.uk
If your business would like to support the event please email: sponsors@ilkleyhalfmarathon.co.uk
For more details about the Ilkley Half Marathon visit: ilkleyhalfmarathon.co.uk
David Shaw, community group chairman said: ‘This month's meeting took place at Ilkley Youth Centre on Little Lane and it was good to be shown round this impressive centre used by many youth & children's Groups in Ilkley.’
The group is about partnerships between Rotary, Business, charities & organisations together with Brad Met & Ilkley Town Council - creating effective community service opportunities and creating volunteers and effective communication for the Ilkley area & friends of Rotary. The group meets monthly mostly at The Dalesway Hotel on the first Wednesday of the month at 12 noon.