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Ilkley community centre needs help to mark 40th

Next year, the Clarke Foley Centre in Ilkley will celebrate four decades of being at the heart of the Ilkley Community.

The centre on Cunliffe Road is used by people of all ages, many local clubs, groups, and societies who provide a variety of courses, events, exhibitions, and meetings.

Plans are underway to mark forty years since opening by compiling a memories book and that's where you can help!

A spokesperson explains: "We’ve been asking our group leaders, members, volunteers and customers if they have any stories or memories that they would like to contribute to our book.

"It doesn’t matter how long or how short, we would like to hear from the wider community about their memories of Clarke Foley.

"Were you there for the official opening of the Centre in 1981?

Have you attended a memorable event in the past?

Have you been attending a class here for a number of years?

Have you visited our café for a number of years?

Do you have any photographs of the Centre?"

Anyone wishing to send in a memory, story, photo or comment to feature in the book, can do so by email: or by post: The Clarke Foley Centre , Cunliffe Road, Ilkley, LS29 9DZ.

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