
'The message is clear - this is not a holiday or the time to meet up, have picnics, exercise or walk dogs in groups or sadly for children to play together in groups'
Bradford Council continues to follow Government guidelines in its response to the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic.
Following the latest announcement from the Government, Bradford Council has closed all play areas, Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAS), and outdoor fitness equipment in all its parks and green spaces across the district.
Parks and green spaces will stay open for the time being, pending further Government decisions and providing people don’t overcrowd these area and follow the rules on social distancing, hand hygiene and staying home if they have symptoms or may have been in to contact with anyone who has symptoms.
Councillor Sarah Ferriby Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy People and Places, said: “The Council is doing all that it can to try and halt the spread of coronavirus in the district. This is very serious and we need people to get the message and to stay at home.
“The message is clear - this is not a holiday or the time to meet up, have picnics, exercise or walk dogs in groups or sadly for children to play together in groups. We all need to put those things aside, get creative and find alternative ways to keep active and keep in touch. We know this is going to be difficult, we will get though this, but people need to take this seriously.
“The Government has said that people can continue to use parks and green spaces for exercise, and if they feel it is absolutely necessary and they don’t have access to a garden or any outdoor space, we ask that they follow the rules of social distancing and hand hygiene. This means keep at least 2 meters or 6 feet away from others and washing hands thoroughly and more often. If you have symptoms or may have been in contact with any one who has symptom go home and stay at home.
“We do recognise the need for these spaces to be open especially for those who otherwise would have no access to outside space, but we are asking people to be responsible. If people can’t do this then we may be forced to close these spaces altogether.”
People are being encouraged to subscribe to email alerts from Bradford Council at www.bradford.gov.uk/stayconnected and follow the council on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @bradfordmdc
The latest Coronavirus news affecting Ilkley is available at ilkleychat.co.uk/coronavirus