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Town Council opposes proposed parking charges.

Ilkley Town Council has organised a petition and written an objection to Bradford Council over its proposed introduction of new parking charges and parking permit scheme across the Ilkley area.  

Bradford Council announced as part of its budget proposals a series of new parking charges would be introduced in Ilkley as well as an increase in existing parking charges and a removal of the free one hour on street parking.

The petition launched by Ilkley Town Council urges Bradford Council to reconsider proposed changes to parking permits and on-street charges in Ilkley, including: introducing an annual charge of £35 for a resident parking permit; charging £35 for a visitor parking permit; increasing business and worker permit charges to £250 per year; increasing parking charges in car parks and introducing new charges in the Lido Car Park.

In addition to the petition set up by Ilkley Town Council, there is also Bradford Council’s Consultation which is open until 16/09/2024:  which residents can use to voice their opinions about the proposed changes.

A spokesperson from Ilkley Town Council said: “we believe Bradford Council’s proposed new charges will have a profoundly negative impact on Ilkley businesses, its residents and people who work here.

“The proposed charges for resident permit parking holders to pay £35 per year would penalise those who have no drive or garage and it would not even secure a parking place outside the resident's home or even on their street. Therefore, it is our belief that residents might decide to alter their front gardens into driveways and this, in turn, would reduce street parking spaces, green spaces and biodiversity.

“Moreover, we are incredibly concerned that the new charges will place an undue financial burden on those without private parking. We believe this is economic targeting against those who live and work in the areas with fewest facilities, whereas residents with drives and garages will not be contributing to the parking scheme in Ilkley.

“Also concerning is the proposed increase of 150% in the cost of a permit for workers is extreme and does not guarantee parking near your place of work. This not only will place a much larger financial burden on people working in Ilkley but also may result in an increased number of workers parking in streets not currently included in the parking permit scheme thereby pushing problems to outer areas.

“We urge all residents and businesses to voice their concerns to Bradford Council using their consultation:  and sign also sign our petition which will launch on the Bradford Council Petitions Website. Please allow a few days for the petition to activate on their website.”

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